Project Template for UPM Students on Overleaf

Project Template for UPM Students on Overleaf

Hi there, fellow scholars and aspiring engineers! For those of you in the dark, a dedicated template has been crafted and is available on Overleaf, designed primarily for the ETSISI. You can access it right here: UPM Report Template on Overleaf. Overleaf Template Preview But here’s the best part: this template is not exclusive to one school. Both the ETSIDI and ETSIAAB can also benefit...

Let's see where this takes us
"Let's see where this takes us"

Repository Available for the Robotics Course of the Degree in Computer Engineering (ETSISI)

Entering my second year of teaching robotics, there’s a notable advancement. Initially, my colleague Raúl Lara and I established a repository which has now moved under the ETSISI organization on GitHub. This year, we’re joined by another collaborator, Guillermo Iglesias....

New image for the virtual classroom of the robotics course
"New image for the virtual classroom of the robotics course"

A Dedicated Page for My Deep Learning Repository

I’ve decided to opena GitHub pages site dedicated to deep learning resources that I’ve been compiling. My primary motivation behind this initiative is to make these invaluable resources accessible to a broader audience, helping those enthusiastic about deep learning. For...

Is it relevant? Not really. Is it cool? Absolutely
"Is it relevant? Not really. Is it cool? Absolutely"

Introducing My New Personal Page: Classes, Research, and More!

Excited to announce the launch of my dedicated platform where you can find details about my classes, research, curriculum, and more. My hope is that by centralizing all my information in one place, I can better organize and manage my...

Let's see where this takes us
"Let's see where this takes us"